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People of Color™

Mango Magic

Mango Magic

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Did you know that India is home to approximately 1,000 mango varieties? With that many varieties, it’s no surprise that the mango is the national fruit of India, but also Pakistan and the Philippines. The mango is an important part of India’s culture–found in meals, mythology, art, literature, and poetry.

Our collection curator, Jaya shares: 

"When I was little, I remember my mom would cut a big, bright, orange mango for me each summertime evening. The scent of sweet mango carried by the warm summer breeze is such a distinct, happy memory. My mom would first slice the sides, leaving the skin on, and we would pull the supple mango off the skin with our teeth. Delicious. Once the sides were cut, the seed was revealed. The messiest part of the mango, most people avoided the seed in favor of the skins. But I always loved to suck on the seed because it was the juiciest part of the fruit. Of course I’d have to eat it over the sink lest mango juice would drip down my clothes! But the messiness was part of the fun and I’ll always treasure these mango moments from my childhood."

Brighten your day with this beautiful shade of mango inspired by India's vast varieties.

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